
Odd Yard Sale Finds

Take a letter, Alfred

I’m not sure if Bruce Wayne aka Batman ever dictated a letter to his manservant, Alfred, but if he had, what better instrument for a “Bat Letter” than the “Bat Wing,” this early 1900s Oliver typewriter!

I was in the 7th grade when Batman debuted on television in 1966. It was stupid, dumb, and corny, and the country loved it! It was so popular that it aired two nights a week on ABC, and it’s theme song became an immediate hit too!

Cue the Music!

These colorful pins look to date to the simpler times of the 1950s or 1960s, when people could be wowed by something they had never seen before. Now, with the advent of social media, the internet, and countless TV stations covering almost every possible event on the planet, much of what was a WOW then, is nothing special now. Back then, I am sure the attendees of the Florida Citrus Ski Show supplied the requisite number of oohs and aahs in response to the watery performances.

Here’s a period look at some Not Ready for Prime Time Players of the water ski world, complete with the schmaltzy music that screams out 1960s’ video.

… but is that where you want to be?


This advertising keychain was issued to promote the catch phrase of Virginia Slims cigarettes, a brand aimed at promoting the image of the independent woman, who not only felt free to smoke in public, but did it glamorously with her own brand of cigarette, as evidenced by this vintage TV ad:

Remembering the rotary dial.


I bought this at a yard sale, and used it at home for quite some time, until modern technology got the better of me. There is nothing like the ring of an old style rotary dial telephone, and it was always a thrill growing up to answer the phone and find out what friend or relative would be calling. Unfortunately, now, the majority of home phone calls are from callers wanting to be your friend, only if you buy something from them; and without the modern convenience of caller ID, answering the low-tech rotary dial telephone generally means having to either sit through a canned sales pitch (until one can politely extricate one’s self from the ordeal) or impolitely cut the caller off in mid-sentence, with possibly an accompanying slam down of the receiver. Unfortunately, the best way to avoid either of those scenarios is just to rely on the aforementioned caller ID, and not to answer the phone in the first place. So, sadly, I was forced to retire the nostalgia of rotary dialing. 😦

Vegetarians look away!


This struck me as very odd when I came across it at a local yard sale. Turns out that the oddest thing about it is that, unbeknownst to me, it is not really that odd at all. Beer Can chicken has a HUGE following! There is even a well-known (not by me) Kenny Chesney country song that pays homage to the brew bird. I will have to attribute my ignorance in such matters to the fact that I don’t own a grill, I don’t eat chicken, and I don’t drink canned beer. Guess that makes me the oddest thing about this OYSF entry.

If I were smarter, I’d probably know who this is.

The maker of this oddball candleholder must have had someone from history or literature in mind. It doesn’t seem logical that the designer would have arbitrarily come up with the idea of a beheaded candle holder, without some historical reference to draw upon. In any case, I have no clue as to who or what it represents, other than something that clearly qualifies as an odd yard sale find.

? (Because of You)

? seems to be the perfect title for this one. Why would someone carve such a figure, and why would someone want to own it? Or does the why, explain the why, as to the latter half of the question? The why is what prompted me to acquire it, and the why is no doubt why I found a buyer for it. Makes perfect sense. 🙂

It has happened only once, on Christmas Day, 1958


In the entire history of the Billboard Pop Charts, this is the only Christmas song ever to have been #1, on Christmas day:

Hang it where?


This would have been the perfect on-the-go litter receptacle, back in 1964, before the redesign of modern car radios rendered its usage obsolete. It was not uncommon, back in the day, to have your litter bag hanging from one radio knob, and your air freshener hanging from the other.

This vintage super-stylish AM car radio probably sported both, at one time or another:

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